Qualitrol Releases QPDM | The Next Generation Partial Discharge System
WEBINAR | Partial Discharge on 4kV Rotating Machines
Qualitrol Employees Give Back in October | 2019 Day of Caring as Part of Global Event

Giving back is something that here at Qualitrol, we feel very passionate about. That’s why every October, every one of our sites plans a local event to give back to a local establishment. This year our Toronto site participated in helping a center that provides food and access to resources for people dealing with poverty and homelessness. Our Belfast site has a long term focus on cancer, and chose to spend 552 hours supporting Cancer Focus, a shop sorting clothes and dressing windows – in addition to landscaping for a school with special educational needs. Our Beaverton site for the third consecutive year spent the day tending to the local community garden for the disadvantaged youth. Lastly, our Fairport site spent the day helping the Ronald McDonald House preparing meals for families with loved ones in long term care, putting bikes together for disadvantaged youth, making crafts for a camp focused on children with Cancer, as well as landscaping.
As always, any of our associates are free to volunteer to any establishment that has special meaning to them. We want to thank each and every establishment for welcoming us into their organization and allowing us to spend the day with them. We’d also like to thank each and every one of our associates who volunteer on this day – no matter what the task was there were so many smiling faces. For that we’re very grateful.